Simply Stated Necklaces and more - check out my current inventory - for sale, of course - at

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I just have to share...

I just dropped an entire necklace of beads of the floor.  Yep, an entire necklace.

I was holding up the loose ends of the necklace to get a better perspective of the final setting before adding the clasp and the wire slipped out of my fingers - UGH!!!!!

Well, I guess I will be on hands and knees for the next hour or so.  In reality, I will probably be finding beads for the next month or until I vacuum again...whichever comes first.

I am NOT a happy camper!!!!

The upside is that the beads were of a size I could easily see and most were red.  I wear glasses, but I think that I can see well enough to find most of the beads.

Wish me luck....

P.S.  I picked up most of the beads.  I had to add a few more beads so either I still have some beads  hiding on the floor or I changed the initial design a bit.  Here is the final necklace - all beaded and secure...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Newest Necklaces

I apologize in advance for my delay of regular posts.


I have been busy…I took a soap making class with my friend Ann and, in addition to the regular farm chores,  lambs and calves started to arrive on our farm.   All the babies are so cute!


And, I have been busy making more necklaces.  I made #105 this week.  I love the pastel pinks and greens in this necklace - reminiscent of the colors used in some 1930’s quilts and so springy (like the season). I call this latest creation 'Rose Garden’.  I love it, but then you could say that I am a bit biased.

Rose Garden is made with natural gemstones/stones of Pink Lepidolite, Green Aventurine and Rose Quartz. Between each bead, I placed a 1940’s vintage Czech glass seed bead as a spacer bead.


I love using my vintage/antique Czech glass beads.  See more of my recently-made necklaces below. 



And, please do not forget to check out my entire inventory at my Etsy shop at Remember....these necklaces are one-of-a-kind - I never make duplicates.


Let me know what you think…such as your favorites, the uglies, etc.  Your feedback would certainly be helpful to my future production.