Simply Stated Necklaces and more - check out my current inventory - for sale, of course - at

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cake Decorating Class Finale

My last cake decorating class culminated in utilizing all my new, learned cake decorating skills on my final cake.

I used the basket weave design to create a basket on the lower half of my cake top.  I added writing, ‘Happiness Forever’ above the basket.  I embellished the remaining areas with frosting roses and shell trim.  And, before I totally finished, I ran out of frosting - oh, well!


The result…amateurish at best; however, I had so much fun!  And, I indulged in way too much sugar; even for this carb-loving gal.

Now, I have the knowledge to take the skills I have learned to: practice them, improve them, accomplish them, and then utilize them to create decorated cakes from here on out. 

I am thrilled.

 My next endeavor…honestly, I just don’t know; nevertheless, there will be a next endeavor. 

Until then, I am anxious to get to back to making more necklaces.  I have all those fabulous new gemstones and antique beads waiting for me; and, they are non-caloric.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

More Cake Decorating - Class Two and ClassThree

And, the decorating continues.


shell, writing, and rosette practice cake
After two more cake decorating classes, I continue to be thrilled with the techniques that I am in the process of perfecting.  Perfecting….yeah, right.  I am happy just to know the ‘how to’ for the shell trim, basket weave, rosettes, roses, and writing.  What more do I need to know?  After all, up until a few weeks ago, I would frost a cake, badly I might add, throw a bit of colored sprinkles across the top, and call it good.  I have improved.  And, the results, not perfect by any scope of the imagination, but a bit more creative.

basket weave practice plate
shell border and writing practice plate


As with most skills/talents in life…practice, practice, practice is crucial to further technique.

and, the practice continues...

So, I keep practicing.  If I would have started this decorating process 35 years ago, I would have been an accomplished cake decorator by now.  Alas, that did not happen.  The positive side is that I get to learn a new skill now…how fun!


Head of the Class

basket weave on practice cake the cake to destroy the evidence of a poorly decorated cake!

My current status is still quite novice, but I will practice, practice, practice until I can decorate and offer a presentable, well-adorned cake.  And, I repeat… presentable, not perfect.

my third practice cake
I discovered that if I make a monochromatic decorated cake,
the mistakes are hidden.
This frosting was way too thick to cooperate with my abilities.

Check out my first attempt at roses (see above 'Happy')...I call them wildflowers!
Look out Cake Boss…here I come! HAHAHA




Monday, February 18, 2013

More Beads

OK, OK, OK….

I know I promised myself that I would not purchase any new supplies in which to continue to make more of my natural gemstone necklaces until I made some sales; but,…I just could not help myself.

The natural gemstones/stones that I use to create my original, no pattern, no copy, no duplication designs are fabulous; and, I just wanted to pad my supply so that I could expand my future design options.

My newest supply arrived three days ago.  Yes, I looked and drooled over every new bead choice, but I refrained from beginning even one necklace.

Why?  I placed another self-imposed limitation on my special and much adored creative time.  Before I begin having fun, I have to finish my 2012 tax paperwork - ugh!

But, I can still embrace and dream and gawk during my many breaks from said, boring task.

So, I am sending you a pre-head’s up to watch for my newest compositions. My pencil is working at warp speed.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cake Decorating

Well, true to form, I always have to try something new.  This time… cake decorating.

I had a desire to decorate cakes from watching The Next Great Baker and Cupcake Wars programs on television, but not passionate enough about it to place said desire on my priority ‘to do’ list.

My daughter gave me a decorating set for Christmas in 2011.  The set sat in a kitchen drawer because I had no idea where to begin. The set included 14 different decorating tips, a flower nail, a cake tester, two plastic reusable decorating bags, a coupler, a spatula, a smoother/decorating comb, and food coloring (4 colors),  but no directions. So, I had all the 'stuff', but I did not know how to use any of it.

I asked a friend, a real pro at cake decorating, if she was planning any classes.  I never received an answer after several inquiries; so, I assumed she was too busy actually making cakes for her business.

Eventually, I decided to go online and check out the current class schedule for a nearby municipal parks and recreation department.  This is the place where I got my start in making my necklaces.  And, you know how successful that class was since I am now selling my never-ending creations.  A cheese-making class was offered which I thought I might like.  And, a soap-making class which I thought my friend Ann would like.  Then, I saw it on the list; Beginner Cake Decorating…class registration due by January 28th.  It was now February 4th, a Friday and late at night to boot.  I thought about that class all weekend.

On Monday morning, I decided to call and see if it was still possible to register for the class which started on the very next day.  It was, I did and I prepared for my class which called for bringing an 8” cake to the first class.

I rarely make cake, and I never make an 8”; I usually make an easy 9” X 13” pan cake.  Maybe I should have taken a cake baking class first????

In any case, during that first class, I learned the proper technique for frosting a cake, the foundation for decorating, which I never knew.  If I did, I would have no problem baking those 8” layer cakes.  The problem was not so much in the baking as it was in the frosting sliding down the side of the cake.  Now, that problem is solved.  Then, we students went on to learn our first decorating techniques:  writing, such as Happy Birthday, and making a shell border around the edge and base of the cake.

Heaven, my instructor, preparing
the class supplies and tools.

Heaven demonstrating 'writing'
on a cake top.
I was sold, I was impressed.  I could stop here and be very satisfied with my new found cake decorating skills.  But, there is more to learn.  I keep practicing on plastic-covered cardboard cake rounds or even on plates.  I seem to do my best work off cake; I guess I am under less pressure when I am not actually working on a ‘real’ cake.


My first attempt at decorating
a REAL cake - not too bad, right?
Now, for the taste.....

Come back and visit to see my progress.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Czech Beads Have Arrived

My order of glass Czech vintage/antique beads arrived today…from the Czech Republic!


They are so beautiful. Each bead sparkles and shines as it catches even a hint of light. My mind is already spinning as I think of new necklaces that I wish to design.


Until now, I thought I was only going to use natural gemstone beads in my handcrafted necklaces. I wanted to use materials that were earthy and genuine.  But, these beads are so fabulous; I am rethinking the benefit of other materials, especially these glass beads. I can appreciate many wonderful combinations of natural stone beads linked with a sprinkling of these glittering pieces of glass; not to go unmentioned, the fact that my Czech heritage is bolstered.


Initially, I bought a very limited supply of the Czech beads because I did not know what to expect…near perfection is a reason to purchase more; and, I will.


Until then, I have to get over my infatuation with these magnificent beads so that I can actually utilize them in my conceptions rather than collect and protect them. 


Keep watching…these beads will find a home in some new necklace creations soon!